Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009

Living the unbelievable.  The good, oh so good, and the bad, unbelievable.  Unthinkable, unimaginable...???  Keep on keeping on.  Keep the faith.  Each day is a new beginning, new hope.  Please God, renew my hope, strengthen my faith, calm my heart.  Fill me with You, overflow me with You, Your love, Your wisdom, Your peace.  Through Jesus Christ, Your beloved son, I pray to You and seek You.  Keep me near.  Keep all of us near to You and safe.  On this journey to You let us not lose our focus, You.  You above all, You before all, YOU.  You know our hearts, our needs, our desires, bring us in line with You.  Show us Your heart, Your needs, Your desires, that we may be as close to one with You as possible.  All for Your glory, all for You, all from You.  Thank You.  Thank You for Your son, my saviour, my hope, my life.  Thank You for everything You provide, good and bad.  I love You.  Amen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

a glorious day to come

Yesterday, headache.  Today sun is shining:)  And God willing, the day will go smoothly.

Keep moving forward, keep looking ahead.  Having  the right attitude, having a good attitude, setting the right example, the good example; and hopefully it will have an effect.  Keep smiling, keep finding the good, keep finding the joy.  Show them the joy and the good in everything and everyone(?), it is there.

Please God, help me to see it, help me to keep the faith, to let You flow into me and through me and out of me.  Let Your light and Your love radiate into everything I do and say.  Thank You for Your beloved son, Jesus Christ, through Him I pray to You and beg Your forgiveness for failing daily.  Be with each of my children, with my husband, with myself; draw us near, protect us, teach us, lead us in Your ways.  I love You.  I need You.   More than the air I breathe or the water I drink, I need You.  Thank You for all that You provide, the good and the bad, let us grow stronger in You because of it all.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

first day prayer

First day, new day, new beginnings, always a fresh start.  Looking to make each day the best it can be, to accomplish all that needs to be done, and then some:)  Wanting to draw nearer to God.  Wanting to help those who need my help, happily and without complaint...

I want to find the good in all, the goodness in every day, to live in the present fully, the past is gone, the future, well, who knows??  

No complaining, no whining, no doubts.

Comments maybe...

I want to encourage and raise up; I want to be encouraged and rise up to each challenge as it comes.  

Let me see each person as God sees them.  Let me see what He wants me to see.  Let me do as He desires.

Let me reach those who are seeking, let me help those who are hurting, let me love as He loves.

God, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray to You; please fill me with Your peace, Your lovingkindness, Your wisdom, and Your ways.  In all things in my daily life may You be glorified.  And when I fall short, let me begin anew to reach for You.
